Gaza 2056

I’ve been thinking of Jared Kushner’s remarks about beach front property in Gaza and imagined how it could be done!

But let’s really imagine it … and maybe … work towards it.

Gaza has been obliterated. Levelled. Turned into a parking lot. So we can start from scratch and build the capital that Palestinians and Israelis and people from all over the world can enjoy as a global destination like Las Vegas or Dubai.

Natural Gas and Israel’s Energy Future: Near-Term Decisions from a Strategic Perspective, Rand Corporation, 2009 p.11

I’ve been hearing the media saying it’s worth 1/2 Trillion Dollars … whatever … more than enough to fund the next Dubai or Las Vegas in the beautiful Eastern Mediterranean with at least 300 West facing sunsets per year. It will take a generation or two but with the current rate of progress in AI and Robotics and enough money its certainly possible should a proper settlement be made and everyone is disarmed.

How can it be executed. Who get’s the contracts to build this future Gazan Utopia? That’s the big question isn’t it? Blackwater? Blackstone? Blackrock?

A futuristic view of the Gaza coastline stretching for 25 miles and enough space for everyone in the One Democratic State of Palesina-Israel. The End of the Silk Road.

I vote for a United Nations initiative in which all US, British and European companies are banned from direct contracts. You see we have to make sure it’s not the same old boys siphoning all the profits and turn this into a proper democracy for its citizens from all over the world.

Committees to run all aspects of government should be elected every x years (enough to do something, not enough to live in the job). 5, 7 or 9 in each committee and they vote on budget decisions.

For example a committee on security and civil defence. Who sits on a committee like this? So many questions that will need to be resolved. One of the biggest questions is how much should the Palestinians be compensated? How about the 48 Nakba survivors many of which are now dying in refugee camps in countries adjacent to Israel with only small numbers of them breaking out and achieving an international identity.

Questions, and more questions will come up and it won’t be for one single person alone to decide.

A digital identity system for residents and transparent information on civil servant candidates actions and opinions archived online, transcribed and searchable so people can make informed decisions. ‘Find the smart people whose hands are clean’ as Author of Black Swan, Nassim Nicolas Taleb suggests.

The world is really fed up and it’s time to give homage and respect to the Palestinians who have endured a century of suffering at the hands of the Zionists and Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital (OCGFC) trying to make a buck.

Dream on Sal!



