Who am I ?

Salah (SAL) Lababidi
Salah Lababidi (AKA SAL)

My name is Salah Lababidi. I am named after my grandfather as is traditional in many cultures. Something about maintaining lineage. My good friends all call me SAL.

I am first and foremost a citizen of this world. I believe that we are all equal.  What differentiates us are our individual ambitions, sense of necessity and the prejudices we have been conditioned towards in our lives.  This is what drives our actions, sometimes destructively, but mostly I believe that most people live to improve the lives of their loved ones and this ultimately defines me.

I dream of the day that humanity will abandon the concept of borders and those in developed countries work to create jobs that help less developed parts of this world achieve the hopes of long, healthy and happy lives without stress.  I am in fact and have always been a dreamer idealist. 

By trade I am a web developer and have been doing this since 1998 for many clients all around the world. I am passionate about technology and specifically dynamic website development and all the skills required to make useful websites. I will be the first to admit, I’ve done some regrettable work in the past but I have also done some exceptional things.  I still feel that my best work is ahead of me.

I have lived for long periods in Lebanon, England, Washington DC, France, Brazil and now I find myself since 2019 in the beautiful state of Utah, USA where I run my dynamic website development business – Dynaweb

I speak fluently English, French, Arabic and Portuguese.  My favourite language is Portuguese and I find real happiness in Brazilian Culture especially the Music and the joyful people there. 

My father is Lebanese and my mother is Palestinian.  I have some Jewish friends that I love dearly but I do feel strongly about the suffering and plight of the Palestinian people.  I do also believe the Jewish people need to have a home of their own where they are not discriminated upon and can flourish in peace. 

I have serious Political opinions but my heart is a peaceful one which becomes sad at any notion of human suffering.  

I have a beautiful daughter called Mia who was born August 1st, 2001 in Rio de Janeiro and more recently a beautiful boy called Nadim, after my father, who was born June 4th, 2016 in Los Angeles. They are both the pride and joys of my life, and walking, talking, playing miracles. 

That’s all I really have to say without making this page look like a CV

I hope you enjoy the discourse on this site and feel free to leave any constructive comments.

I can be found mostly on Instagram and occasionally on Twitter


One response to “Who am I ?”

  1. amina Avatar

    Our world is indeed a beautiful world that deserves to be lived happily. Less people will suffer if more feel the way you do. Just allow peace to be shared and celebrated.

    Good post Salah

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