Category: Technology

  • Privacy


    How to decide who gets what from your data

  • The Glass is half full/empty !

    The Glass is half full/empty !

    I launched last summer and have been pushing the development coming to a year now which is partly the reason I’ve not been blogging !  We’ve cleared up a lot of bugs and evolved it to be the most useful guide for cultural and leisure activities in Lebanon.  As of writing this we have over 10k Facebook…

  • Transhumanism


    Since Elon Musk’s viral comments over Killer Robots the last couple of days, I’ve been reading up and have come across some interesting info.  I’d read a while back the Wired cover feature ‘Why the future doesn’t need us‘ but it was interesting to re-read on this subject. While googling I came across this video…

  • AWS Summit 2014 Sao Paulo

    AWS Summit 2014 Sao Paulo

    The AWS Summit in Sao Paulo was an eye opened on many fronts.